Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cheaha State Park - November 17th '07

On Saturday, the 17th, we decided to ride up to Mt. Cheaha and do some hiking. And I really wanted to get some good Fall pictures of Cailey. We haven't really explored much of the Cheaha state park and all the trails yet. We hiked down the Chinnabee silent trail to "devil's den" I believe they call it. Has some small water falls. Was a nice hike & the trees were beautiful.
Cailey loves the outdoors so she enjoyed every bit of it!! She did a great job hiking over the rocks. We only had to carry her a few times over some really rough stuff and at the end when she got tired.

First attempt at some cute pictures. What's up with these faces she's making!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Too funny!

Here's a good picture!!~~~~~~~~~Me & Cailey

Cailey & her daddy.

Love these shots of them messing with their hair. The look that Cailey is giving Richard in that first picture is sooo cute!!


A baby snake we saw on the way back. Not sure what kind it was, but it was an aggressive little thing. Was not afraid of us and when we got close he would put that head up. If anyone can tell what kind he was, let me know! Richard was holding Cailey and we're always on the watch for snakes.

Almost back! Was a fun adventure!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

How strange, Katie and I went to Cheaha on the 17th as well! Must have been the psychic vibes in the air.

The pictures iz cool. It was quite cold in the evening when we went...if it was that cool whenever you went, I'm surprised that little snake was out and about!