Friday, July 18, 2008

Georgia Aquarium - July 17th

We went to the Georgia Aquarium Thursday with Richard's parents, AKA Granny & Papa. We had a great time and it was as awesome as it was a few years ago.

The aquarium fish Mascot

The penguins were so fun and personable. I like the first picture, it looks like Cailey is shaking it's fin. They were all at the glass wanting a lot of attention!

Papa & Cailey watching the Seals~~~~~The so cool Beluga whales

In the glass tunnel.

Whale Shark!!!

Here's Cailey saying "You Looking at Me!!". The groupers were at the glass seeming to be looking at everyone!

Richard & Trent watching the Tropical Reef.

Cailey sliding down the whale slide before we left.

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