Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cincinnati Trip - Zoo June 13th

We went to Cincinnati Ohio June 12th - 15th. Our friend Chad Horsley was graduating from University Cincinnati with his Doctrine in Music. While Richard was with the Horsley family at the graduation, which I knew would be a big mistake to even attempt taking Cailey to, me & her went to the zoo. Which was only a mile away from the campus. It was a beautiful zoo, which was also the botanical gardens. We had a great time, unfortunately we didn't take the stroller with us so Cailey did a lot of walking. So she got a few blisters on the back of her feet.

First animal to see, the Lemurs.

In the Insect Building, which was pretty cool & totally gross at the same time.

Naked mole rats -----------Leaf Cutter ants. They had tubes running throughout with the ants going through them. Was neat.

Some kitties.

-----------------------------Mommy & baby gorilla

More Monkies-------------Me & Cailey taking a break

Penguins & Black Bear

Polar Bears!!! One of Cailey's favorite animals.


Cailey's red lips after eating a cherry icee.-----Tiger

Petting zoo-------------Cailey's hand gerking back after feeding the goat a leaf.

Cooling off!!

Siegfried & Roy's White Lions

Now, the HUGE cooling off a torrential down pore!!!!! The Lions didn't seem to mind a bit. We got totally drenched from head to toe!! Running to the car, with shoes in hand, and ringing out hair wet!!
We went back to the campus to wait on the ceremony to end and pick up Richard.

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