Saturday, September 16, 2006

September 15th, My 27th Birthday!

Well, I am now 27 years old. Do I feel older?...Yes, yes I do as a matter of fact. As Jennifer said, I am catching up to her. Does that make any sense? Nah, I didn't think so either. But I do stop from time to time and say, hey, I'm not that old. 27 isn't that bad. And I can here all of you laughing at me!!!!! =) Anyway, I had a great birthday. Richard had taken off the day before (thursday) and we took Cailey to mommy's day out, ate breakfast and went shopping. Then on Friday we went to the Birmingham zoo, ate lunch at New York Pizza in Homewood with a friend of ours, Daniel Johnson, and came home. Then my parents, my MawMaw and my sister, Kevin & Carson came to our house. We had Dinner at Fuji Japanese Steakhouse. Enjoyed some good Sushi then came home and had Pinnapple upside down cake. Good Stuff. And this week I'll hit the stores, after the bank of course, and do some shopping with my b-day money. =)
Here are some pictures from the zoo. I have some from Fuji, but everyone is eating in them and I doubt they'd want them posted for everyone to see.

Cailey didn't really like the Carousel. We started on the Giraffe, but then she wanted off that one and onto the cheetah. The ride got going and after a bit she was wanting off. And then I made my way onto the seat behind us. Good thing it was there!

The second photo is of the new baby giraffe, Rowan. It is so cute!
You can see it in the background of this next giraffe photo.

These photos were taken in the Lorakeet Aviary. There are so many in here flying right over your head and all around. A little weird, but cool. Richard was able to fool this one to think he had a little bowl of nector to feed him. The bird quickly flew off of his hand. And Richard kept asking me if he bird poop on him. Nope, no poo. Cailey would stick out her hand saying, "Come Here Birdie".

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