Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cailey's 3rd Birthday Party!!!

We had Cailey's 3rd Birthday Party Sunday, June 3rd. (Her actual birthday is the 4th)
We had it at our house in the backyard. She has been looking forward to this day for a long, long time!! For a few months now when someone asks her when is your birthday she'd respond "June the forsh"!

A little playtime before dinner. (The swing was from her 2nd b-day and the car was from her 1st b-day! As you can tell, she has about grown out of the car! It's for sale if anyone is interested. )

Cailey, Andrew & Eric ~~~~~~Party time!

Minnie~~~~~~She had a Fisher-Price Little People party. Here's some decor.

Kevin & Jennifer.~~~~~~Monica, Trent & Vicki

I can't remember what she was telling me. Probably, "my hair is hot!".

Eating Cake & Opening Presents!! That's what it's all about!!

Clothes, Tinkerbell necklace, sprinkler & Keyboard from Granny & Papa

Dora Cash Register, clothes & Playtent from Nonna & PawPaw.

Money!!!~~~~~~~~~~~Puppy from Aunt Monica

Books from Uncle Andrew.~~~~PawPaw & Jennifer getting out the cash register for Cailey.

We got Cailey the Barbie Jammin' Jeep. I didn't get any good pictures of her reaction. They were all very blurry! I don't know what happened, must have been in the wrong mode. But Richard & Trent were bringing it around the house to the backyard and we had her attention to look that way. She was standing by Monica and when she saw it her mouth opened up wide and she got Granny's hand and jumped up and down saying "MY CAR CAR!!!". And her & Carson ran and got into the jeep. She was so excited! She is still learning how to steer it, but she's doing good. Only ran over my foot once so far. It has a digital radio/clock and a pretend CD player that plays songs. Hopefully I can get some better pictures from everyone else and post.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I love the pictures. Promise that you'll make pictures when she gets our present...or maybe I'll do it myself ;)