Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Noccalulla Falls 3-31-07

March 31, our last free Saturday night before Church begins having Saturday night services again. We decided to go to Gadsden and spend some time with everyone. We had a picnic lunch at Noccalula Falls with my parents. This was the first time we've been to the falls since they've fixed it up. Cailey loved the train and she still says "We'll get tickets and ride the train later". They had a good bit of animals and we enjoyed it very much! Looking forward to going back again.

Cailey sitting on Nonna's Lap with PawPaw on the trian.~~~~~Cailey petting a bunny rabbit (I know, I wasn't suppose to have picked them up!)

Grey fox


Nonna and Cailey checking out Sheila, the Lion.

Sheila was laying down under a tree in the middle of the fence, looking very bored. Richard came up to the cage in a playful, big way to try to get her attention. When Richard turned his back toward her she got up and was going toward him. When he turned to her again she stopped and got down in a pouncy position. And she ran up to the fence. She was so wanting to play. It was fun to watch.

Back on the train.

Cailey & PawPaw sitting in old school (This is exactly what cailey said seeing this picture.)

Nonna & Cailey on the train.

Cailey and her daddy. Yes, Richard has tons of hair!!

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