We took Cailey to her Grandparents house to Trick or Treat on Saturday. She racked up! At Granny & PaPa's House. Opening her treat bags from Granny & Aunt Monica~~Playing with a Lizard At Nonna & PawPaw's House. Carson was there too.
Word Alive's annual Hope Harvest! Cailey said she was going to ride the rides and she did for almost 3 hours! We went at 2pm when it opened to the school and then stayed with richard while I worked until 5pm! She had a blast riding the rides with her friends. Her favorite was the swings.
We walked back after I got off work at the school and she rode the swings before we left and went trick or treating down our road. Which we went to just 3 houses! Justin & Cailey In the bouncy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nicolas Cailey, nicolas, caleb & Dawson~~~~Cailey and daddy on the ride!