Saturday, the 22nd, we went to Richard's parents house to celebrate Easter. You couldn't have asked for better weather. It was beautiful! Getting her Easter Goodies from Aunt Monica, Granny & PaPa. Playing with Bubbles! Getting ready to find those Eggs!! Prize Egg!~~~~~~~~~~Look, there's a yellow egg! Cailey got a kick at finding eggs on her PaPa. Cailey & Monica Richard being goofy. Nothing new there. Cailey getting another egg off PaPa. ~~~~~~Alexis, the neighbor, & Cailey. I believe Cailey hunted eggs 5 times or so and Cailey & Alexis hid them for the adults to find. Was so funny, Cailey & Alexis were hiding them in the fenced backyard and said for granny to go inside so they can hide them. That they can do it alone. So we were all inside watching them and they were putting a ton of eggs around the base of one tree. Then Cailey just started pulling her eggs out and just throwing them in the yard! So funny! She must have seen Richard hide eggs! =)
We took Cailey to the They Might Be Giants Family concert in Atlanta on March 15th. This was the day after the tornadoe went through downtown. The show was at Variety Playhouse on the other side of town so it wasn't affected. But we did see the windows blown out of the larger buildings downtown while driving on I-20. TMBG just put out a Kids 123 music cd/dvd. It's awesome and I really suggest anyone with kids getting this. They also have an abc video too. But they played a big mix of family friendly songs. I wish they did play more from there 123 cd since Cailey knows those soooo very well. But it was still a great concert. Andrew, Katie & Cailey waiting for the show to begin. Rockin!~~~~~~~~~~~~~Someone's getting TIRED!!!! TMBG!~~~~~~~~~~Special appearance by HomeStar Runner! A Video clip of HomeStar Runner
Richard celebrated his 31st Birthday on Feb 28th. Me & Cailey had the flu that week so we had to reschedule his party to the next weekend. Spider-man CupCakes!! Well, there goes Richard's name in icing! Richard and John ~~~Shannon & Chris. Cailey and her Andrew. You sure can see how much she loves him in this picture!