I have been wanting to take pictures of Cailey sleeping for a story I want to scrapbook. Every night at bedtime she says "I love you, sweet dreams, nite-nite, goodnight, have a good sleep!" She says it fast and so cute and I want to remember that phrase forever! Can't wait to scrapbook it! Well she woke up after a few pictures. She got enough of the flash in her face. And of course bella up on the bed too.
Not only did I get one Awesome Birthday Party, I got 2 awesome Birthday parties!!! Sept 19th my parents & sister threw me a birthday party at my parents house! A luau party and the food and decorations were so great!!! A lot of hard work and time was put into this party and I was so thankful! I was definitely blessed on my 30th! I love my family! This was the best birthday ever! The food & punch!! I got a coconut to drink out of with little umbrellas! Cailey~~~~~~~~Grandma, Pat & Tim were there! So surprised! Even the hummingbirds showed up! Carson, Cailey & Vicki Trent Here comes the cake! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Festive ornaments for my Tree! Awesome!!
This is out of chronological order on my posts, but these pics were hiding in another folder! Labor Day at mom & dad's. Enjoying the pool! Popsicle break Wow Cailey, what a face!
On September 15th I turned 30! Richard threw me a birthday party on Sept 18th in the Connection at church. It was amazing to have so many friends come out to help me celebrate! And also I'm married to a wonderful man!! Banner made by Richard! ~~~~~Catered by Frontera Grill! Jessie Carnegie Deli Cheesecake shipped from New York City & Graeters Ice Cream shipped from Cincy! Yum!! Candice cutting the cake Christina & Netherland~~~~~~Cailey & Camby Nicole & Paisley~~~~~~~Dee & Ron
We went to Amber's 4th Birthday party that was at a barn with horses! Was a great birthday party & would love to do this for Cailey's 6th party. All the kids loved it and I certainly enjoyed taking pictures. Cailey & Nicolas Feeding the goats Aly, Candace, Nicolas & Cailey Cailey fell in the mud, but she still looked so cute! Heather walking the horse.~~~~ Getting tired! Amber, the birthday girl, & Cailey